Four Keys to Successfully Rebranding Your Healthcare Marketing Efforts

Four Keys to Successfully Rebranding Your Healthcare Marketing Efforts

“It’s a good thing to be forced to be innovative,” Avice Meehan, Senior Vice President, Chief Communications Officer, Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center. Innovation in the way outcomes are achieved and measured within the healthcare industry is forcing companies to rethink how they approach healthcare marketing efforts.

As healthcare companies are looking for a way to fill gaps in their existing technology, the MDnetSolutions leadership team realized we had a competitive advantage in the race to provide relationship and workflow management technology to care teams looking to improve and document quality care.

After two years of intensive product development, market research, and internal upgrades, we have a new identity and a new message to share.

Four Keys to Successfully Rebranding Your Healthcare Marketing Efforts

MDnetSolutions is now Sequence Health.

See our brand come to life as we walk through the four keys to a successful rebrand.


  1. Embrace your past, know your place in the market and define the cornerstone of your foundation.

With 12 years’ experience supporting patient engagement, lead tracking, and patient care compliance for bariatric health providers, we already had the foundation to answer the urgent demands for patient management technology. LeadTracker, our flagship patient management software, along with our digital marketing, Medical Call Center, and NurseLine support services, allowed providers to grow their business and track a patient’s journey through the steps of care. Our vision was always to enhance the patient and provider relationship. The new challenge: to take this vision beyond the bariatric service line.


  1. Understand why there is a need for change and define your new value proposition.

The Need for Change:

Healthcare companies, from the enterprise level to private practices, and the service providers catering to them, have been affected by shifts in the healthcare industry. Greater transparency in communication and care delivery is a result of the new demand for accountability for both the provider and the patient who has an increasingly important decision-making role in their quality of care.

As technology continues to evolve and care teams are connected by interoperable systems there is a high demand for solutions that connect the data points and capabilities of expansive platforms currently in place. Electronic medical record (EMR) systems gather data, but often lack the context and capability to promote real-time updates to the patient’s steps of care.

Our Solution:

That is where the original concept behind LeadTracker came into play for MDnetSolutions. The dashboard gave care team members a high-level view of their patient population as well as individual views of each patient’s progress through a care pathway. This platform, along with the MDMessenger feature capable of sending and receiving automated engagements, successfully enhanced efficiency and compliance throughout the steps of care. The value proposition was in high demand in service lines beyond MDnetSolutions’ bariatric clients. Although LeadTracker couldn’t meet the growing demands across the healthcare industry, a more robust platform would offer the same value proposition, allowing clients to enhance the technology they already use, maximizing the return on their IT investments.


  1. Invest in your people and your solutions, realizing your full potential.

Two years of intensive product development, including the acquisition of Care Transition Systems IVR survey delivery service, and the expansion of MDnetSolutions internal talent team, allowed the company to grow to meet demand. The right people, with the right talent and unbridled passion for exceeding expectations came together to create an end-to-end solution. The new Pathways platform and messaging capabilities, along with a la carte support services including the NurseLine, Medical Call Center and agency-style Digital Marketing and Creative departments, gave the team a way to test the market and fine tune the capability to exceed demands.

What did our market research reveal? Our new platform and growing support services no longer looked like the MDnetSolutions our clients and partners knew. We were better. We evolved. Through a sequence of deliberate events, we rose to meet the demands of healthcare providers outside of our original scope, providing smart solutions to service lines including orthopedic and cardio.


  1. Share your new message, identifying the value of your history and the vision of your new brand.
    Four Keys to Successfully Rebranding Your Healthcare Marketing Efforts

We are Sequence Health, and we are smarter every step of the way.

Sequence Health now offers a streamlined end-to-end patient engagement and care coordination solution that can stand alone or work in tandem to support existing technology. We provide best-in-class support services to enhance our IT solutions, allowing our clients to thrive at the crossroads of innovation and intervention. We are truly smarter every step of the way.

More importantly, our new vision is to ensure that our clients are equipped with patient engagement and care coordination tools to promote healthy outcomes that are also smarter every step of the way.


For more insight into industry trends and how Sequence Health is addressing the demands for innovations across the healthcare industry, call today. 888.986.3638

Sign up for our Live Webinar to participate in a demo of the Sequence platform and learn more about smart patient engagement solutions from Sequence Health. Follow us on social media by using the hashtag #WeAreSequence and tell us how you are making the patient experience #SmarterEveryStepoftheWay.