Beyond the Blog: Sequence Health Featured in Healthcare IT News Media Outlets

Beyond the Blog: Sequence Health Featured in Healthcare IT News Media Outlets

Readers familiar with the Sequence Health blog know it covers a lot of territory that spans from healthcare marketing to bariatric surgery to value-based care and much more.

However, our blog is only one way that we engage with our audience to share our expertise, perspectives and opinions about healthcare and hospital information technology and patient management solutions. The first months of 2017 saw us traveling around the country to attend several healthcare conferences and events that gave us the opportunity to make real-time and in-person connections.

More recently, our travel schedule has been relatively quiet, but we were quite visible in healthcare IT news and other media outlets during the spring. For those that get value from the information shared in our blog, we think you might be interested in some of our other headlines and contributions!

Chief Technology Officer Gopi Yeleswarapu Digs Deeper into Automated Texting and Patient Management & Outcomes with Digital Commerce 360

In March, Digital Commerce 360 published “Automated Texting Can Improve Patient Management and Outcomes” by our Chief Technology Officer Gopi Yeleswarapu.

Gopi’s piece—which dug deeper into a blog we published earlier this year, “Using Automated Phone Calls and Texts to Improve Patient Outcomes, Hospital Brand Perceptions”—demonstrated automated texting’s proven ability to help patients have better experiences and elevate patient satisfaction rates.

Health Data Management Spotlights Sequence’s Platform for Bariatric Patient Management at Fresno Heart and Surgery Center

Our March media mentions continued in a Health Data Management article, “Platform Helps Bariatric Patients Stay on Track for Procedures,” which featured Fresno Heart and Surgery Center’s usage of our Sequence patient management platform for its bariatric patient management. We were also described as unique for “not only offering lead tracking of prospective clients, but additional services such as administering the website, hosting online seminars and conducting search engine optimization.”

CEO John Richmond Tackles Reimbursement Maximizing CJR Reimbursements with Becker’s Hospital Review

Last but certainly not least in March, our CEO John Richmond’s “4 Steps to Maximize Reimbursements Under Medicare’s CJR Initiative” was featured in Becker’s Hospital Review.

Along with sharing his invaluable tips, John explained how they apply to “all hospitals, not just those performing joint replacement surgeries” and that as “one of Medicare’s initial forays into value-based reimbursement,” it is “expected to aggressively move additional programs to the model in the upcoming years.”

Director of Marketing and Creative Kris Altiere Discusses Healthcare Website Optimization with the American Marketing Association

In April, the American Marketing Association published “4 Essential Web Optimization Practices to Boost Health Care Conversions” by our Director of Marketing and Creative Kris Altiere.

As Sequence Health’s creative architect and marketing guru—as well as the liaison between our sales, marketing and creative departments—Kris was well positioned to explain how “prospective patients are web-savvy consumers” and the techniques to “put your Website to work filtering for the best patients and drawing them to your hospital.”

Sequence Health is a cloud-based technology and services company that improves profitability and patient outcomes for hospitals and practices through end-to-end patient engagement solutions backed by clinical and non-clinical teams. Its HIPAA-compliant, SaaS platform improves care team workflows, automates patient communication and tracks patient progress to optimize the patient journey. Since 2004, leading healthcare providers have trusted Sequence Health to help acquire, manage and engage patients through complex episodes of care.

Contact us to begin discovering how we can guide your hospital towards positive outcomes and exceptional results.