Call Center Quality—Effectively Measuring Parameters

Call Center Quality—Effectively Measuring Parameters

Measuring quality parameters in a medical call center is crucial for the benefit of the patients, management, and other professionals inside the healthcare center. Managers can use call center performance data to improve services and make essential management decisions.

While medical centers may have different demands and services, there are common metrics for measuring performance quality. Let’s explore the importance of implementing these quality assurance metrics.

The Benefits of Tracking Quality Parameters

Tracking call center parameters effectively can help in the following ways:

1. Improve Call Center Operation Efficiency

Monitoring the call center’s performance for an extended time will help identify inefficiencies that can affect it. Early identification of these issues may help eliminate them and streamline the call center’s workflow.

2. Improve Agent Efficiency

Tracking the quality parameters of the individual agents will help the trainers monitor their performances. This will help identify agents who need more training and knowledge. By refining the training programs to better help the agents, they build better skills.

3. Compliance and Risk Mitigation

Measuring the call center quality parameters ensures that agents adhere to medical care policies and standards.

Metrics to Measure Healthcare Call Center Quality

You can measure call center quality parameters in various ways, but combining all these essential metrics will help you achieve better results.

1. Average Speed of Answer

You can check how long it takes for the agent to answer an inbound call. Improving the answering speed influences the caller’s satisfaction.

2. First Call Resolution

This metric helps determine whether the agent can resolve a customer query in the first interaction. Suppose the agent cannot resolve this at once and needs to do a follow-up. In that case, you may offer more training to reduce operational costs and customer frustration.

3. Average Handle Time

The average handle time is the time an agent takes to complete the entire transaction. It starts when the agent answers the call to the time the conversation ends. Tracking the average handle time helps ensure the quality of interaction and minimize costs.

4. Patients’ Feedback

Facilities get these parameters by surveying a sample of patients to determine how satisfied or unsatisfied they were with the work of the call center.

5. Blocked Calls

If a patient calls and receives a busy tone, this is considered a blocked call. Tracking these parameters will help return a previously blocked call or add the number of agents.

Improve Your Call Center Quality

While shifting to digital methods can sometimes be challenging, Sequence Health aims to make your transition smooth and easy. We have vast experience in helping you save on operation costs and offer services efficiently. Let’s help you improve the quality of your health call center.