How to Improve Tone of Voice in a Medical Call Center

How to Improve Tone of Voice in a Medical Call Center

You want to offer your patients and clients the best service, and it all starts with using the right tone when answering incoming calls. Knowing how to improve your tone of voice in a call center makes your patients feel welcomed and comfortable seeking your services. So, how do you do that?

Show a Positive Attitude

People can easily read attitudes during conversations. Patients don’t want to call in and hear a robotic voice on the other end of the line. They want to feel positivity when communicating with someone that also shows empathy. That’s why it is advisable to use phrases like “I understand” to make them feel connected.

Read the Mood and Adjust the Tone

Another trick when it comes to improving the tone of voice in a call center is to know how to approach different scenarios with the right tone. Know how to read the emotional state of the caller and approach them properly in order to help them. For instance, if the patient is calling to make a complaint and sounds frustrated, it will only get worse if they are approached in a casual tone.

Stay Calm

Staff who have worked in customer service for a long time know the ups and downs of their daily tasks. They meet all kinds of people, including rude and angry customers, and the only way to handle such cases is by staying calm. Being angry will show in your voice and tone, and patients will feel attacked and may escalate the situation.

Stay Professional

One challenge when learning how to improve tone of voice in customer service is finding the balance between being formal and casual. While you want to be friendly and understanding, also remember to maintain a high level of professionalism. When you have the right approach, it becomes easier to interact with patients and help them find solutions to their problems. This balance is key to delivering an effective solution for healthcare.

Show Respect

When you are operating a call center, including a multilingual one, patients can also detect respect in your tone. Therefore, make sure that you use the right words to show that you understand, and assure them that you will help them out. Remember to approach every client the same, even when they are rude and frustrated.

Read more: What You Should Know About Multilingual Call Center Services

Perfect Your Medical Call Center With Professional Help

One of the most important aspects of operating a healthcare call center is to address the patient’s needs. Reach out to Sequence Health if you need a team with the right skill sets to handle all your patients and clients when they call in.