Along with more than 600 international healthcare professionals and representatives from Puerto Rico and surrounding Islands, the MDnetSolutions team attended the Puerto Rico Hospital Association (PRHA) 2015 Convention for the first time. This year’s topics focused heavily on patient care coordination, quality improvement, cost reduction, administrative measures, and value-based care as the attendees met to brainstorm, share ideas and collaborate on new ways to put the patient first as part of the PRHA Healthcare Initiatives.
The team was joined by the MDnetSolutions representative for Puerto Rico and surrounding islands, Jorge Bauermeister, to demonstrate MDnet products and services and how they are uniquely aligned with the PRHA Healthcare Initiatives. Our signature product, “MDPathways”, along with our newly released “MDCare Transition System” were particularly suited for these goals.
Puerto Rico healthcare professionals and hospital networks are seeking strategies to increase revenues and volume for specialty services while coordinating post-discharge patient care. MDnet and leaders in the Puerto Rico Healthcare System will collaborate to design and implement optimal solutions that meet those needs. The MDnet team has planned a return trip to PR in the coming weeks as part of this process.
Other highlights from the “Patient Centered Care: A Leader’s Call to Action” agenda included a keynote presentation from the chairman of Healthcare Insights LLC, a U.S.-based company that uses business sector analytics to help practices achieve measurable profit growth.
Aligning with the Triple Aim of better health for individuals, better health for populations, and the reduction of increased costs of health care delivery, MDnetSolutions is excited to join the Puerto Rican market and partner with local practices and leaders to support patient-centered care initiatives within and across multiple settings of care.
To learn more about MDnetSolutions’ new patient centered care products, MDPathways and MDCare Transition System, please contact 888.986.3638 or complete our online contact form.